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Lab Filter Press 20 Machine

Lab filter press 20 is categorized in lab machines group.

Picture of lab filter press 20
Picture of lab filter press 20

Lab Filter Press 20 Applications

Lab filter press 20 is generally used in labs for testing slurry samples, observing the results and obtaining filtration properties. This model is used with min. 3 lit. of solid content.

Pressuring system of this filter press machine is manual screw and its bases are in two types of fixed and wheeled and according to its small dimensions and low weight it can be moved easily.

Chassis of this filter press machine is of carbon-steel with two layers epoxy coating resistant to acid and corrosive environments.

Meanwhile accessories such as drop collecting tray, filter press cloth, cover, draining pond, wheel, piping, slurry pump (solution charge), etc.  are available for this model and can be installed and supplied.

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